petek, 29. februar 2008

Neferomagnetni feromagnetiki

Presenetljivo odkritje: s kemijskim procesom je mogoče doseči, da imajo nanometrski delci zlata, srebra in bakra, ki so sicer neferomagnetiki, feromagnetne lastnosti. Lahko delujejo kot trajni magneti. To postavlja pod vprašaj celotno teorijo feromagnetizma ....

SLIKA: iz strani ScienceDaily(

Pustimo se presenečati!


Magnetic atoms of gold, silver and copper have been obtained from

An international team led by Physics and Chemistry teams from the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and directed by Professor Jose Javier Saiz Garitaonandia, has achieved, by means of a controlled chemical process, that atoms of gold, silver and copper - intrinsically non-magnetic (not attracted to a magnet) - become magnetic. The article has been published in the February issue of Nanoletters (Vol.8, No. 2, 661-667 (2008)).
